(1) What is your hair care regimen?
-I follow a low-manipulation regimen which I truly believe helps me retain the most length. I try not to comb my hair much, finger comb as much as possible and when I do comb it's with a very wide tooth comb.
- I try to use direct heat as little as possible if at all. I use it maybe a few times a year and I feel that the less direct heat I use the healthier my hair and the longer it grows. This has been the most important thing to me for hair growth. To wear my hair straight w/o using direct heat I'll ponytail rollerset and do a silk wrap.
-Deep condition on dry hair twice a month, with Pantene Relaxed and Natural Breakage Defense Deep Conditioning Mask (my fav.), Elasta QP DPR-11 or Cholesterol. I'll either sit under the dryer for 20 minutes or leave on over night covered with a plastic cap.
-Clarify twice a month using baking soda mixed in my shampoo or diluted apple cider vinegar.
-Protein treatments once a month using Motions CPR or Duo-Tex. Follow up with deep conditioner under the dryer.
-I don't do trims but I like to do frequent dustings to keep things fresh. Hanging on to old ends was a major set back for me in the past so I try to keep up with my dustings. I really don't have a schedule, just whenever I feel like I need it.
-Moisturize daily w/ Qhemet Heavy Cream and seal w/ unrefined coconut oil, shikaikai oil, or jojoba oil. I like to use as many natural products as I can.
-I wear my hair straight or in braid-outs in the fall/winter and curly in the spring/summer. I shampoo once a week and co-wash again that same week only in summer. In winter I shampoo once a week for braid/twist-outs and every two weeks for straight styles/roller-sets.
-At night my hair is always covered. When it's curly I will pin it back and cover.....for braid/twist-outs I'll re-braid at night and for my straight styles I'll cross wrap or band at night.
(2) Do you take any supplements? If so, what are they?
-One Source Multi-Vitamin
-Biotin 5,000 mcg.
(3) Currently, how long is your hair and what is your hair type?
My hair is hip-length now and I believe I'm a 3b/c hair type.
(4) What are the things that you feel have helped you the most in achieving and maintaining your hair length?
-Finding LHCF is the main thing.
-No direct heat
-Low manipulation
-Detangling in the shower using oil rinsing.
-Moisturizing and sealing daily.
-Keeping ends dusted regularly.
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