(1) What is your hair care regimen?
My regimen changes depending on the season.
***From Sept-May***
I go by the following regimen:
I always make it a habit to pre-poo before every shampoo. The only time that I don't pre-poo is when I clarify. I alternate my pre-poos with each wash. One week I'll pre-poo using a cheapie conditioner or any other conditioner that I'm trying to get rid of always adding a capful of oil to it. The following week, I'll use a hot oil mixture of amla/brahmi/arnica oils. I apply all prepoos to dry unwashed hair. Before I pre-poo, I detangle and divide my hair in four sections (2 front, 2 back section). I apply the pre-poo mixture to each of the four sections one by one and then braid them up leaving me with 4 single braids. I then cover my hair with a plastic cap and let it sit for a least 30 mins – 1 hr.
After prepooing, I rinse my hair thoroughly and wash with a diluted shampoo. I have a clear squirt bottle that I use for my shampoo solution. I dilute using about 1 part shampoo to 3 parts water. I shake up the bottle and apply the shampoo focusing on my scalp. I try to avoid applying shampoo to the length because it dries out my hair. Also while washing the scalp, the shampoo travels down the shaft anyways, so that's more than enough to cleanse my strands.
(Deep Conditioning)
Conditioning my hair is a two step process. Protein and then moisturizing. When I’m feeling lazy, I’ll do it in one step a protein moisturizing combo. My hair loves light protein enriched conditioners as opposed to the heavy ones, and it loves thick rich creamy moisturizing conditioners when it comes to deep conditioning. After shampooing, I squeeze all the excess water out of my hair. I don’t towel dry my hair and haven’t in over 3 years. I don’t like the idea of the towel coming into contact with my hair. Squeezing out my hair takes a little longer, but it has proved to be very beneficial to my fine strands. Once the water has been squeezed out of my braids, I slather the conditioner on. If I'm doing a two step conditioning, I apply the protein conditioner, cover my hair with a plastic cap and go under the dryer for 10-15 mins. I follow it up with a 15 min moisturizing deep conditioning afterwards. If I do it in one step, I'll add a squirt of protein conditioner to my moisturizing conditioner, cover my hair and go under the dryer for 20 mins. After deep conditioning, I rinse out the conditioner section by section, unbraiding each section and detangling from the bottom up with a jilbere or conair shower comb under running water. Because of the braided sectioning, detangling is fast and easy.
After deep conditioning, I apply some leave in and a little dap of serum and I rollerset my hair using mesh rollers. I then dry my hair under a hooded dryer. Once dry, I'll wrap it up for a smooth sleek finish or I'll pin curl it for a curly look, or I sometimes put a couple of rollers in it overnight to bump my ends. I lightly moisturize and seal with oils everynight, or as needed before tying my hair up at night.
****From June-August****
I follow the same procedures as noted above. However, I increase my weekly washes to 2 times a week and I don't rollerset during that time. The humidity frizzes up my hair terribly and I find it too hot to sit under the dryer. Instead, I'll opt for wash n go's, braidouts, ponytails and other summer friendly hair styles.
(2) Do you take any supplements? If so, what are they?
No I don't take any supplements or vitamins, though I probably should be at least taking a multivitamin for my overall health.
(3) Currently, how long is your hair and what is your hair type?
I've never measured my hair in inches, but it currently touches my waist. I have multiple textures throughout my hair. I believe it to be a mixture of 3C and 4A strands.
(4) What are the things that you feel have helped you the most in achieving and maintaining your hair length?
**Stretching my relaxers.
**Finding products that work well for my hair
**Maintaining a good moisture and protein balance
**Detangling from the bottom up with a wide tooth comb, along with gentle handling
**Tying my hair up at night with either a silk or satin scarf
**Low manipulation, I basically leave it alone after washing and styling
**Last but not least LHCF, none of this would be possible for me without this community.
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