(1) What is your hair care regimen?
I really wouldn't say that I have much of a regimen. I tend to change up my program quite often, but most of all, I keep it simple. I wash weekly for the most part and always deep condition for about 30-45 minutes with heat afterwards. Lately, I haven't been using shampoo much, but conditioner instead. I moisturizer and seal daily. 90% of the time I wear protective styles, mainly buns, braid outs, or wigs. I dry my hair by rollersetting (air-drying when I have time or under a hooded dryer), or by braiding my hair in two or four large braids and letting air-dry. Every now and then I will flat iron my hair, but that's not often. At bedtime, I braid or two strand twist my hair (2 or 4) or put in a high, loose bun and tie it in a satin scarf.
I use the K-Cutter comb (this works great for me on wet or dry hair), and I use the Denman brush to get rid of any shed hairs before washing. To lay down my edges, I use a fine tooth comb and Fantasia IC gel.
Products that I like:
Shampoo: CON (green label)
Deep Conditioner: Elast QP DPR-11 or Motions Moisture Plus, and sometimes LeKair Cholesterol. I also like to add EVOO and honey to my deep conditioners.
Conditioner Washes: VO5 ( I LOVE the Herbal Escapes, Free Me Freesia moisturizing conditioner...it smells great to me!)
Moisturizer: Giovanni Direct Leave-in
Oil (for sealing): Coconut (Nutiva Organic Extra Virgin that I get from Whole Foods) and Jojoba (J/A/S/O/N that I get from GNC)
(2) Do you take any supplements? If so, what are they?
I am taking Biotin, B-Complex, Flaxseed oil, MSM mixed with orange juice, and a multi-vitamin. I also drink carrot juice daily (around 2 oz.).
(3) Currently, how long is your hair and what is your hair type?
I consider my hair to be a little past BSL / 4a with some 4b natural.
(4) What are the things that you feel have helped you the most in achieving and maintaining your hair length?
LHCF has helped me tremendously. I have to credit everything that has helped my hair to the lovely ladies here. Some of the things that I feel have helped me most are conditioner washes, moisturizing and sealing, deep conditioning with every wash, and protective styling. I also use minimal heat in my hair. At one point I was going to the Dominicans getting blowouts every other week, but I have stopped that going on a year now!
I really wouldn't say that I have much of a regimen. I tend to change up my program quite often, but most of all, I keep it simple. I wash weekly for the most part and always deep condition for about 30-45 minutes with heat afterwards. Lately, I haven't been using shampoo much, but conditioner instead. I moisturizer and seal daily. 90% of the time I wear protective styles, mainly buns, braid outs, or wigs. I dry my hair by rollersetting (air-drying when I have time or under a hooded dryer), or by braiding my hair in two or four large braids and letting air-dry. Every now and then I will flat iron my hair, but that's not often. At bedtime, I braid or two strand twist my hair (2 or 4) or put in a high, loose bun and tie it in a satin scarf.
I use the K-Cutter comb (this works great for me on wet or dry hair), and I use the Denman brush to get rid of any shed hairs before washing. To lay down my edges, I use a fine tooth comb and Fantasia IC gel.
Products that I like:
Shampoo: CON (green label)
Deep Conditioner: Elast QP DPR-11 or Motions Moisture Plus, and sometimes LeKair Cholesterol. I also like to add EVOO and honey to my deep conditioners.
Conditioner Washes: VO5 ( I LOVE the Herbal Escapes, Free Me Freesia moisturizing conditioner...it smells great to me!)
Moisturizer: Giovanni Direct Leave-in
Oil (for sealing): Coconut (Nutiva Organic Extra Virgin that I get from Whole Foods) and Jojoba (J/A/S/O/N that I get from GNC)
(2) Do you take any supplements? If so, what are they?
I am taking Biotin, B-Complex, Flaxseed oil, MSM mixed with orange juice, and a multi-vitamin. I also drink carrot juice daily (around 2 oz.).
(3) Currently, how long is your hair and what is your hair type?
I consider my hair to be a little past BSL / 4a with some 4b natural.
(4) What are the things that you feel have helped you the most in achieving and maintaining your hair length?
LHCF has helped me tremendously. I have to credit everything that has helped my hair to the lovely ladies here. Some of the things that I feel have helped me most are conditioner washes, moisturizing and sealing, deep conditioning with every wash, and protective styling. I also use minimal heat in my hair. At one point I was going to the Dominicans getting blowouts every other week, but I have stopped that going on a year now!
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