(1) What is your hair care regimen?
Just about everyday I wash my hair with conditioners such as Suave and VO5. While rinsing, I comb my hair back with a Jilbere shower comb, using the flow of water to help me detangle my hair. I use additional conditioner plus curl activator gel as a leave-in conditioner. Then I put my hair in a ponytail and tuck the ends under, or a bun. If I want to wear my hair down or straight, I pre-treat my dry hair with a protein treatment mix usually consisting of mayonnaise, eggs, peppermint essential oil, cooking oil, and plain yogurt. This mixture gives my hair strength after leaving it on for 30-60 minutes. After rinsing it out I shampoo with either Mane n Tail Original Shampoo or Elasta QP Neutralizing Shampoo. I condition with Mane n Tail Original Conditioner or any of my favorite Dominican Conditioners. After rinsing, I add Lacio Lacio Leave-in Conditioner to my hair while it is soaking wet, then rollerset. When my hair is dry, I flat iron the new growth only. I occassionally use Proclaim Glossing Polish for shine. I self-relax every 4-6 months and color my hair with Bigen in Oriental Black as needed. I trim sparingly, when needed. If my hair is very unmanagable due to new growth, I wash and condition it in sections, similar to the Crown & Glory Technique for relaxed hair.
(2) Do you take any supplements? If so, what are they?
I do not take vitamins, even though I should. I have been told that I eat healthy. I eat about 6 small meals a day that are protein and nutrient rich. I do not drink sodas or drink caffeine beverages. I also limit my sugar consumption by not drinking fruit juices, only eating the fruit itself.
(3) Currently, how long is your hair and what is your hair type?
I do not measure my hair with a tape measure because it discourages when I see such a small amount of growth (my hair only grows about 1/4 inch a month). My hair touches my bra clasp in the back when straight and my hair type is a range of 3c-4b.
(4) What are the things that you feel have helped you the most in achieving and maintaining your hair length?
The most important thing that keeps my hair thriving is not the products, but the techniques that I use. Daily scalp massages from condioner washes help me increase growth and moisture in my strands. I do not put direct heat on the ends of my hair. I rarely wear my hair down and I do not use a brush. Most of the time I air-dry. I am constantly deep conditioning my hair with protein and moisture. Even before exercising, I may apply some conditioner in my hair and then put on a shower cap. Minimal styling of my hair keeps it on my head. I also do not frequent stylists. I stretch my relaxer applications to three or four times a year at the most.
Just about everyday I wash my hair with conditioners such as Suave and VO5. While rinsing, I comb my hair back with a Jilbere shower comb, using the flow of water to help me detangle my hair. I use additional conditioner plus curl activator gel as a leave-in conditioner. Then I put my hair in a ponytail and tuck the ends under, or a bun. If I want to wear my hair down or straight, I pre-treat my dry hair with a protein treatment mix usually consisting of mayonnaise, eggs, peppermint essential oil, cooking oil, and plain yogurt. This mixture gives my hair strength after leaving it on for 30-60 minutes. After rinsing it out I shampoo with either Mane n Tail Original Shampoo or Elasta QP Neutralizing Shampoo. I condition with Mane n Tail Original Conditioner or any of my favorite Dominican Conditioners. After rinsing, I add Lacio Lacio Leave-in Conditioner to my hair while it is soaking wet, then rollerset. When my hair is dry, I flat iron the new growth only. I occassionally use Proclaim Glossing Polish for shine. I self-relax every 4-6 months and color my hair with Bigen in Oriental Black as needed. I trim sparingly, when needed. If my hair is very unmanagable due to new growth, I wash and condition it in sections, similar to the Crown & Glory Technique for relaxed hair.
(2) Do you take any supplements? If so, what are they?
I do not take vitamins, even though I should. I have been told that I eat healthy. I eat about 6 small meals a day that are protein and nutrient rich. I do not drink sodas or drink caffeine beverages. I also limit my sugar consumption by not drinking fruit juices, only eating the fruit itself.
(3) Currently, how long is your hair and what is your hair type?
I do not measure my hair with a tape measure because it discourages when I see such a small amount of growth (my hair only grows about 1/4 inch a month). My hair touches my bra clasp in the back when straight and my hair type is a range of 3c-4b.
(4) What are the things that you feel have helped you the most in achieving and maintaining your hair length?
The most important thing that keeps my hair thriving is not the products, but the techniques that I use. Daily scalp massages from condioner washes help me increase growth and moisture in my strands. I do not put direct heat on the ends of my hair. I rarely wear my hair down and I do not use a brush. Most of the time I air-dry. I am constantly deep conditioning my hair with protein and moisture. Even before exercising, I may apply some conditioner in my hair and then put on a shower cap. Minimal styling of my hair keeps it on my head. I also do not frequent stylists. I stretch my relaxer applications to three or four times a year at the most.
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